Thursday, November 1, 2007

#11 Thing this: Librarything

I have friends who have used and they used it to catalog their personal library collection. As many librarians, and bibliophiles, I have too many books in my personal collection that I can not stand to throw out no matter what the condition. Why do i keep them? Does it make me feel smarter to see them on the shelve (some of which I have never read)? Do I feel it projects a superior imagine when others come over to my apartment and see them? I don't know. I do know that many times I look at a book that I read and remember what I felt when I read it; the time period in my life at the time; and the people I have shared it with. I have placed 15 titles in my account of books that continue to have impact on my life, whether I read them recently, or a while ago. If any of these strikes your fancy, let me know. I love sharing similar books with others.

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