Friday, November 9, 2007

#13 Tag! You're It!

At first, I read all the accompany literature for this task and watched the videos and tutorials and found myself starting to get confused. And then, I went to the site, set up and account and it really was easier then it seemed. I thought the tips was the best of the accompanying links. There was one problem in that when I wanted to place the button on the web browser, my computer did not allow me to do it without permission. The way around this was to simply add it as a link and place that on the bottom of my tool bar. I added links that I thought were a little special that I use and when I saw how many others in used them, some of them were unique and some were very common. I do see this as a great tool and will continue to use it. You are welcome to take a look at my links as I have added the site to the right of my blog. Enjoy.

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