Friday, November 9, 2007

#14 Getting not-so-technical with Technorati

Interesting. I have signed up my blog, this one, with Technorati by posting the link they gave me. It search out the link and was able to connect my blog and it was "created" in their index. However, when I try to find it using the search tools, it does not come up. How is that possible? How do I know? When I do a search for "clash librarian", nothing comes up. You mean to say that there are no blogs in the universe with these two words? I have even done advance searches. If I put my entire blog address in the search field, it does come up but then I did a search of a word that I know is in my blog (Croton) and that did not come up. Lesson learned? Sometimes the technical is not-so-technical.

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