Friday, December 21, 2007

#23 Is This Really the End? or just the beginning...

So, this is really over. I have had a very good time learning parts of the net and the technology interfacing (sometimes colliding) with librarianship today. I feel much more knowledgeable about the 2.0 around me and that makes me feel a little more competent. My favorite parts were learning about setting up a blog (much easier than I thought), the Wiki tool (but that could have taken a lot more time), Flickr (as the timing was perfect to share photos of my new baby), the collaborative tools (especially Google Docs - I love that), and the image generator (I became a Simpsons character!). Again, this was a very valuable training and I hope a lot of other staff took advantage of this as we can only use this well as a group if others share the knowledge and excitement. As for a next time, I am in as these self paced, high content trainings are a good match for learning on a busy schedule. Thank you to Karen Keys who obviously did a great job getting us through this. Kudos to you, and everyone who finished.

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